Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dear Crutches, I hate you.

13 days ago I had a new lovely experience called knee surgery. Wondering Why? Well, it's  basically another one of those ever so "graceful" moments that I seem to have daily.

Some friends and I were getting ready to go dancing sometime around the beginning of October. We were all heading to the car as Justine yells, "Shotgun". With her being back in the house and me being outside I decided to seize control of the situation and yelled, "Race ya!" I quickly ran down 3 steps and headed towards the garage only to be man handled by the driveway. Tripping on absolutely nothing as usual, I landed completely flat in the middle of the driveway. Also as usual I couldn't get up because I was laughing uncontrollably. And my dear friend Justine comes outside and what does she say ever so caringly? "I can't believe I missed it!" What a great friend, right? But let me be honest and tell you that this in not my first crash with her around. Once in 7th grade I cut open my ankle on absolutely nothing at her house and had to go get 13 stitches. She has bandaged me up more times than I can count. So I preceded to get up, let out a few choice words and headed towards the car. Only to realize that I was bleeding on the back of my knuckles and on my knee. I might add that the knuckles are a prime spot to get scraped up because of all of the white lie fight stories that could potentially surface. So Corinne, being so prepared busted out a first-aid kit our of her car and fixed me right up and we were off to dance the night away. About five hours later we headed home to get some sleep and I noticed the size of my knee. Four hours of dancing does a lot of good after a crash like I had.

The original surgical plan was to do a scope under my knee cap to remove the torn and cracked cartilage. My recovery time was supposed to be about a week, and then I'd be up and moving and back to boarding by January. Did things go as planned? You had better believe that they didn't. While my surgeon was doin' what he does he noticed how out of place my knee cap was. For some reason in wasn't noticed on my xrays. So he had to stretch out my ligaments to center that knee cap back up. I woke up in a huge brace, with an ice machine hooked up to my leg, and a promise of a longer recovery. I probably won't be snowboarding at all this season. I have become a walking pharmacy and I can't believe how much I miss being able to walk.

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